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Help me make Inconspicuous Consumption more enjoyable for you.
Hello! Today I’d like to pick your brain about Inconspicuous Consumption’s publishing schedule.
Here’s the deal: Most IC content isn’t time-sensitive or based on breaking news, so I can publish it whenever I want — or whenever you want. If IC were a conventional website, I wouldn’t care so much about the timing of the posts, because people can visit a website whenever they want — it’s their choice. But IC is also an email newsletter, and I realize that receiving a post in your in-box can prompt a bunch of emotional responses, ranging from “Oh cool, a new post from Paul!” to “Ugh, I don’t have time to think about Brannock Devices right now.” So I’d like to tailor my publishing schedule to maximize the former and minimize the latter.
Let’s start with weekdays vs. weekends. I’ve mostly avoided publishing on the weekends, because that’s when internet traffic tends to be lower. But I also know that some people use their weekends to catch up on “frivolous” reading. Please cast your vote here (if you don’t see the poll below, click here)
I’m also curious to know if you prefer that I publish at a particular time of day. Obviously, afternoon in New York can be morning in L.A., so it won’t be possible to please everyone, but please go ahead and vote anyway (if you don’t see the poll below, click here):
I won’t necessarily tailor my schedule 100% to the results of these polls, but I’ll at least keep your preferences in mind. I want this project to be as enjoyable as possible for everyone.
If you have additional feedback about IC’s publishing schedule, feel free to post a comment. Thanks!
Paul Lukas has been obsessing over the inconspicuous for most of his life, and has been writing about those obsessions for more than 30 years. You can contact him here.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this is the first time Paul has ever written the sentence “Ugh, I don’t have time to think about Brannock Devices right now.”
Honestly, I kind of enjoy the "surprise!" aspect of not being sure when a post will land. If I don't have time to read it at that moment, I save it in my inbox until I do.