If you had trouble accessing the T-shirt poll, read this.
How about something like this? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tmr23soy90n6sfucbq31r/Inconspicuous01.jpg?rlkey=04tvm35omyopc4ujx90eskwtw&dl=0
Not bad! Can you flip the "Consumption" lettering, so it's not upside-down and reads left to right?
For sure, can you send a high res of the Brannock Device? whoisrico@gmail.com
Just brainstorming here…
What about the Brannock on the sleeve, mimicking your actual tattoo?
What about the Brannock’s lines and numbers printed somewhere, on the back, or inside the shirt, making it not only a shirt but a makeshift Brannock Device?
How about something like this? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tmr23soy90n6sfucbq31r/Inconspicuous01.jpg?rlkey=04tvm35omyopc4ujx90eskwtw&dl=0
Not bad! Can you flip the "Consumption" lettering, so it's not upside-down and reads left to right?
For sure, can you send a high res of the Brannock Device? whoisrico@gmail.com
Just brainstorming here…
What about the Brannock on the sleeve, mimicking your actual tattoo?
What about the Brannock’s lines and numbers printed somewhere, on the back, or inside the shirt, making it not only a shirt but a makeshift Brannock Device?