Hi! If you read the emailed version of today’s earlier post, in which I asked for your feedback on possible Inconspicuous Consumption T-shirt designs, you may have seen an error message instead of a poll where you could vote.
It turns out that the error message appeared in the emailed version of the article, but the poll is visible and fully functional in the web version — click here to access the web version and please cast your vote. Thanks, and sorry for the confusion! — Paul
How about something like this? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tmr23soy90n6sfucbq31r/Inconspicuous01.jpg?rlkey=04tvm35omyopc4ujx90eskwtw&dl=0
Just brainstorming here…
What about the Brannock on the sleeve, mimicking your actual tattoo?
What about the Brannock’s lines and numbers printed somewhere, on the back, or inside the shirt, making it not only a shirt but a makeshift Brannock Device?