Welcome back Paul!

Nashville has begun widely installing speed humps across high traffic residential neighborhoods. I have seen signs designating them humps, bumps and cushions. Another less utilized option is the traffic calming device. (Yes, the sign actually says that.) they actually create a curb that pushes into the lane so that cars should slow down as it approaches. Emphasis on should. Fun side note, in Jamaica, speed bumps are noted on signs as sleeping policemen.

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My understanding is that "Traffic Calming" includes all of these approaches.

Curb extensions, which are also called bump outs, are sometimes physical extensions and sometimes just painted. Google found this: https://sdg.minneapolismn.gov/design-guidance/intersections/pedestrian-crossings/curb-extensions

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I grew up in Jamaica; came here to say that. Also, welcome back Paul !

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I came here to talk about the Nashville speed “cushions”! They are everywhere now. They look similar to the lumps but the signs call them cushions 😂

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Hey Paul! Good to “hear” your “voice” again! Here in Baltimore, we have some speed humps that have crosswalks incorporated in them. I wonder if other cities have them.

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Paul - not to denigrate what's going on at Uni Watch in any way, but it took you leaving (and a post like this!) to make me really realize that the primary reason I read was for your voice, not the uni content. Great to have you back.

Here in Anchorage, AK, speed humps are accurately labeled as humps.

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On the way to the train today I went over two “humps”. I sit down for my commute and boom there it is in my Substack.

Now if we could only get a green strip in the middle of the yellow hump or bump…

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Not an engineer, but I do work for FHWA. There's language about using "bump" instead of "hump" even when it is a hump in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), "Speed humps generally provide more gradual vertical deflection than speed bumps. Speed bumps limit the speed of traffic more severely than speed humps. Other forms of speed humps include speed tables and raised crosswalks or intersections. However, these differences in engineering terminology are not well known by the public, so for signing purposes these terms are interchangeable." https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/pdfs/11th_Edition/Chapter2c.pdf Page 173

Glad you're back!

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Oooh, that's good stuff, JohnMark -- thank you! I'll add it to the text.

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Great to see you back, Paul! It was also great to finally meet you at the 25th Anniversary Party.

I was coming here to look for some love for speed tables, but I see a couple of others already beat me to it, so I'll just double down on welcoming you back.

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In Watertown MA a few years ago the city added speed humps to a few residential streets -- and posted signs calling them "Raised Tables." (Will need to go out and get a photo for you.) Naturally, the first thing that happened was that someone graffiti-ed the sign, changing "table" to "by wolves."

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Really great first post! I have wondered this exact thing!

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Yay so happy the new blog is launched and it’s just as fun as I hoped for!

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Love the chicken coop piece.

Recently, in my hometown of Ellwood City, PA, Sheetz bought the block that had the house grew up in and had been in my family for over 100 years.

Yes, I loathe Sheetz even more now that their logo is on my beloved Pittsburgh Pirates jerseys.

Anyways, there was this wooden staircase that had a lamp on the bottom post and a big round engraved piece at the top post. Before the house was raised(sp), my uncle and mom sawed off both pieces; uncle Mike kept the lamp and moms has the ball post.

For over 100 years!! …and now the convenient store rests exactly where our home was. I hate Sheetz

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Best of luck, Paul.

Mike from Queens.

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A fun first read for the new format! I remember when a neighborhood near mine first installed speed humps. It led to so many immature jokes for my 10-year-old friend group.

On another note, how does it feel to reach out to someone and get a direct answer? I half-expected some storytelling jargon!

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"how does it feel to reach out to someone and get a direct answer?"

Here's the funny thing: When I was writing about uniforms and would contact a team or a league with a uni-related question, often about a fairly nuanced uni detail, I often had to frame it by saying, "I realize this may sound like a small thing, but..." And that's exactly what I had to do with the NYC DOT as well!

Honestly, I didn't expect to hear back from them (that's often what happened with my uni queries), so it was a pleasant surprise to get a response.

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Hi Paul! Totally digging your first feature! It appears to me I’m going to love what you’re doing with the rebranded site. I actually scared a coworker, laughing out loud at your “They don’t know their humps from their bumps“. One might suggest we all mistake our humps for our bumps on occasion! As an aside, I was on a long car ride with my family and was talking about Uni watch and your departure. My wife took the opportunity to find your book online and ordered it for me while we were talking about it in the car. I just started it, but it’s great so far. Cheers!

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In Holland speed bumps are called drempel, so the signs say "Actung Drempel" which I think is so endearing!

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Welcome back! Hopefully you will continue to post your travelogues on here!

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First of all, it is very nice to be reading your work again, Paul. I've certainly missed your voice. Now then...

I live outside Houston in an area I'd classify as halfway between rural and suburban. No traffic humps or bumps around me. But I travel through Houston's 'Heights' area quite a bit and I've noticed that 'humps' are replacing 'bumps' and I've recently noticed that the signs reading 'Speed Hump' are appearing at new installs. In many places where humps replace the bumps the signs themselves have not been replaced. At least not yet.

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