On July 16 — one month ago today — I launched Inconspicuous Consumption with a post about speed bumps, humps, and lumps.
It’s hard to believe that it’s been only a month, because it already feels so natural, so enjoyable, so right. I can honestly say that it’s been one of the best months of my life — in part because I’m having so much fun with IC, but also because so many of you appear to be having fun with it. The response to this project has been tremendous. That’s one reason I’ve been posting much more frequently than I expected, because the feedback has been so positive. (I probably can’t maintain this pace of posting three or four times a week, but we’ll see how things play out.)
I know some of you have been reading my work since my 1990s fanzine days, many others are Uni Watch readers who’ve been pleasantly surprised by what you’ve found here, and still others had never even heard of me until a week or two ago. Whichever one of those camps you fall into, THANK YOU for coming along for the ride. I’m having a blast with IC, and I hope it shows. If you’d like to share the fun, please tell your friends and social media contacts about IC. Thanks in advance!
E and I are going to the beach today (and then, we hope, having a little adventure that I might end up writing about if it turns out like we hope it does). Have a great weekend and I’ll see you back here next week. — Paul
I have been loving IC. I had high hopes, and didn't disappoint. I have been a long time Uniwatcher, but I loved most of the non-uni posts. Especially things like your road trip chronicles (which sadly stopped during covid, understandably) and vintage stuff. I love road tripping, not taking interstates, stopping in cool old towns, so definitely related.
Nowadays, you can find uniform and logo news anywhere, but this...this is unique. And I've loved every minute of it!
Great stuff Paul. I always looked forward to you going off Uni topic on the old blog and you have not disappointed with the content on IC. The best part of IC is it's making me think more about the minutiae in my own world. And if you're getting me to think in a different way, that's really an awesome thing. Bravo, keep the content coming!