Uni Watch Blog Digest for the Week Ending Nov. 17, 2023
One-stop shopping for the past week of Uni Watch Blog content.
Hello! Here’s what’s been happening on the Uni Watch Blog this week:
Saturday, Nov. 11
Contributor Matthew Drake continued his MLB Multiverse project.
Sunday, Nov. 12
Phil had his usual Sunday Morning Uni Watch report on Saturday’s college football uni news.
Monday, Nov. 13
Here’s this week’s Monday Morning Uni Watch report on Sunday’s NFL action.
The NHL’s Carolina Hurricanes will once again be wearing Hartford Whalers throwbacks and pregame Cooperalls.
Tuesday, Nov. 14
While traveling in Virginia, I came across a really cool exhibit of old sports artifacts from a local high school.
The new Professional Women’s Hockey League released their inaugural uniform set.
Wednesday, Nov. 15
The NFL is planning a lot of John Madden-themed promotions for Thanksgiving, including a jersey patch.
KC quarterback Patrick Mahomes doesn’t like the NFL’s current uni-numbering guidelines.
More NFL news: The Browns will be wearing white facemasks this Sunday.
Teams in the Premier Lacrosse League, which previously had no geographic identities, have now been assigned to home cities, with new logos to boot.
Thursday, Nov. 16
The 2023 Uni Watch Holiday Gift Guide is now available.
Here’s what the Oakland A’s upcoming move to Las Vegas could mean from a Uni Watch perspective.
Friday, Nov. 17
The Texas Rangers have a pitching prospect with a very intriguing NOB.
The Minnesota Vikings, who originally planned to wear their new throwbacks just once this season, have now added a second throwback game.
The Arizona Diamondbacks unveiled a new uni set for 2024.
Uni Watch News Tickers
In addition to the articles I just linked to, we also had the Uni Watch News Ticker — our daily roundup of news items from across the uni-verse. Here are the Tickers for Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
That’s it for this week, and we won’t have a digest next week because of Thanksgiving. Have a great holiday, and thanks for reading Uni Watch!
Paul Lukas has been writing about uniforms for over 20 years. You can follow him on Twitter and Facebook and check out his Uni Watch merchandise. Have a question for Paul? Contact him here.