Let’s Admire This Amazing NHL Logo Embroidery Sampler
Maria Villotti has produced a DIY project for the ages.
As most of you know by now, I love a good uni- or logo-related DIY project. So I was excited when longtime Uni Watch reader/contributor/pal Wafflebored — himself the source of countless great DIY endeavors — recently let me know about a sensational embroidery project that he’d spotted on Twitter:
Holy moly — what a sensational-looking piece of work! Here’s a larger view of the full sampler, followed by a few of the individual logos (I also punched up the levels a bit so the colors will pop, plus I tried to cut down a bit on the shadows):
I wanted to know more, so I contacted the embroiderer — a woman named Maria Villotti — and asked to interview her. Here’s a transcript of a Zoom call we recently had, edited for length and clarity.